Interest Groups
Small Groups offer special ways to grow together as Christians through fellowship, service, study and support for one another. The following provides a list of Small Groups within the life of the church.

Amani Bead Workshops
Amani Bead
Amani Bead Workshops combine fellowship, creativity and mission. Participants make beautiful jewelry with hand-made ceramic beads from Kenya. Proceeds support the Amani Children’s Foundation. We meet the 3rd Tuesday of each month, 10:00 am-12:00 pm. Contact Julia Hill at
Cancer Support Group
Cancer Support Group welcomes anyone whose life has been affected by cancer, is undergoing cancer treatment, or if someone you love has cancer. There is no sign up or long term commitment. We meet on an as needed basis on the 4th Tuesday of the month. Contact Phyllis Johanson at (910) 253-4760 or
Chancel Choir
Chancel Choir supports our worship each week with inspirational songs, practicing Wednesday evenings at 6:30 and Sunday mornings at 10:30.
Disciple Small Group
Disciple Small Group is a covenant group of dedicated members who study the bible and pray for one another, offering mutual support and friendship. Disciple will gladly mentor others who desire to begin a similar covenant group. Contact the Sandy Kaufhold at (910) 512-6678 or
Grief Support Group
Grief Support Group gathers monthly in support of one another in the ways each of us deal with loss. We use “Healing After Loss” by Martha Whitmore Hickman as a guide and daily devotion. All are welcome. Your grief need not be new. We meet on the second Thursday of each month at 10:30 am in the Church Library. Contact Susan Spencer at (910) 457-6382 or
Knitting Group
Knitting Ministry meets regularly to knit prayer shawls, given to those who are sick or grieving as well as premie baby caps that are donated to hospitals.
Men’s Roundtable
This popular group explores our faith journeys through open discussion using different devotion books, which include a Bible study and life-application. Currently the group is reading and discussing “Elusive Grace” by Scott Black Johnston. The group meets Wednesdays, September thru May, 9:30-11:00 a.m. in the Session Conference Room.
Contact Pat de Barros at (410) 980-0823 or
Presbyterian Women
The Presbyterian Women’s Purpose is to nurture faith through prayer and bible study, to support the mission of the church worldwide, to work for peace and justice, and to build an inclusive, caring community of women that strengthens the PC (USA) and witnesses to the promise of God’s kingdom.
All women members of Southport Presbyterian Church are recognized as members of Presbyterian Women (PW) and are invited to participate and support all church activities that support the work of Presbyterian Women.
Circles: Small groups that gather for prayer, study, mission, and fellowship.
- Morning Glories: Meet the 1st Tuesday of the month at 9:45 AM.
- Women of the Word (WOW): Meet the 3rd Wednesday of the month gathering for fellowship at 12:30 PM and begin study at 1:00 PM.
- Ladies of the Light: Meet on the 2nd Tuesday of the month at 6:00 PM in members’ homes.
All circles meet monthly for study, reflection, prayer, fellowship, and mission. Each circle decides for their group on a denominational resource, book, or alternative to study for the year.
• FALL: Pole Barn Breakfast and Fashion Show, Margaret Rudd Cake Baking (fund raiser),
and Nut Sale
• WINTER: Southport Winterfest, One-Day Workshop
• SPRING: Overnight Spiritual Retreat, All church Women’s Fellowship Event
A committee of Presbyterian Women also coordinates Memorial/Funeral receptions for deceased church members.
Service Projects
PW projects are conducted by the whole organization or within individual circles and include:
• Support of denominational offerings including Least Coin, Thank Offering, and Birthday Offering
• Support of local programs including Providence Home, Samaras Village, Lower Cape Fear Hospice, Habitat House, and Meals on Wheels
We invite you to become active in Presbyterian Women at Southport Presbyterian.
For contact information, contact the church office at (910) 457-6811
Walk/Run with God
Walk/Run with God connects our spiritual lives with physical exercise: running and walking. We gather for short devotion, support, and prayer and then we run or walk a 2.5 mile route starting at the church. The Walk/Run takes place on Tuesday at 8:30 am. Contact Judy Geck at (910) 713-3047 or