Memorial Garden Paver Order Form


Dear Fellow Church Members and Friends of SPC,

The Memorial Garden Committee is pleased and excited to offer you the opportunity to support the landscaping initiative on our walk towards completing our Memorial Garden. As the first step to beautify this holy garden, we are inviting you to donate a recognition paver to honor and memorialize family and friends.

We will offer two sizes of bricks: 6″ x 6″ for $125 or 6″ x 9″ brick for $150. The number of bricks needed to completely fund the pathway and sitting wall is approximately 225. The laser engraved bricks will be interspersed with plain pavers to create a lovely walkway.

The wording on the pavers will be suitable for the sacred garden, such as a short scripture verse, the name of a departed loved one, the donor’s name, or a child or grandchild’s name with ‘A Child of God’. It is a special way to honor your children, grandchildren parents and special friends. The Memorial Garden Committee will ensure that the engraving is in keeping with the peaceful and loving garden theme. We anticipate the excitement of walking through the Garden when this project is completed and seeing the names imprinted on the bricks,

We have carefully and thoughtfully created the landscape plan. We expect that the donations for the pavers will be enough to cover shrubbery and associated garden plantings.

If you need additional forms (which we certainly hope you do) they are available in the Narthex by the Paving the Way poster. You can direct any questions to Jane Henderson, Gay Ausband or any other committee member.

As we moved forward the committee will be informing the congregation as to our progress toward this goal.

Thank you for your support.


Ellen and Rhodes Messick Gibby Wilson
Jane Henderson
Elizabeth Lambert
Cheryl Himebauch
Judy Sawers
Gay Ausband
Nancy Kessel
Vickie Gunn