Memorial Garden Application
Church members and their family members who choose cremation may have their ashes interred in our memorial garden. A brochure prepared by the Memorial Garden Committee details the regulations and costs and is available to those with interest.
The purpose of the Southport Presbyterian Church Memorial Garden is to provide an appropriate, consecrated, and perpetually maintained place for the interment of ash remains of Southport Presbyterian members and their families. The Memorial Garden is located adjacent to the Narthex of the church.
The Memorial Garden shall be administered by a committee comprised of the Pastor and a minimum of three lay members of the congregation (one of whom is a member of the Session). The design, planning, and maintenance of the Memorial Garden shall be under the supervision of this committee, subject to final approval of the Session.
Internment Policy
The ash remains shall be those of a member of Southport Presbyterian Church, a former member, a member of his or her family, or other persons approved by the Session and Ministers of Southport Presbyterian Church. The ashes shall be buried in biodegradable containers, no larger than 9”x15”. Plots shall be assigned by the Memorial Garden Committee, and the location of occupied or reserved plots shall be shown on a plan kept on permanent file in the church office. Plots shall be assigned in numerical sequence.
However, to the extent practical, the committee shall accommodate persons wishing to inter the remains of family members in contiguous plots. It is anticipated that the Memorial Garden will be available for interment of the remains of qualified individuals in perpetuity. Should the need arise for burial of remains beyond the initial planned capacity, however, the Memorial Garden Committee, Session and the ministers will consider the construction of a Columbarium. The name of each person whose ashes are interred, and their dates of birth and death, shall be displayed on a bronze plaque and the memorial stone. This plaque, with the name plates in order of as well the memorial stone, shall be the only marker or memorial within the Memorial Garden. There will be no floral arrangements or other decorations permitted. Floral arrangements, if used, shall be removed shortly after completion of a memorial service. The fee for interment of the ash remains of each person shall be $500.00 payable at the time of Application. A couple wishing to be buried in the same plot, the fee will be $500.00 for each person. Receipts from burial fees, in excess of costs directly involved with the interment, shall be kept in a separate church fund designated the Memorial Garden Committee for the express purpose of capital improvements, and perpetual maintenance and care of the garden. The Session of Southport Presbyterian Church reserves the right to modify, amend, or revoke these regulations.
Memorial Garden Application
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