Join Our New Fall Classes!

• Starting Sept. 8 at 9:30 a.m. Pastor Carrie Evans will lead an adult Sunday School class based on the book, “Being Presbyterian in the Bible Belt: A Theological Survival Guide for Youth, Parents, & Other Confused Presbyterians” by authors Ted V. Foote Jr. and P. Alex Thornburg, The book addresses such questions as “Are You Saved, or Are You Presbyterian?” and “Is the Bible the Literal Word of God or Just a Long, Boring Book?” According to the authors, the book is an easy-to-understand, slightly irreverent approach to theology and the kind of theological musings that many youth and adults have today. The multi-week class will focus on articulating one’s faith and responding to faith questions from a mainline point of view. The book can be ordered through the church office or on Amazon.

• A new mid-week bible study, “What Your Sunday School Teacher Never Told You,” will be offered beginning Tues., Sept. 17, 9 a.m. in person, and on Zoom at 6:30 p.m. Pastors Carrie Evans and Joanna Hipp will be leading the class. Contact the church office for more information and the Zoom access.