125th Anniversary Celebration

Join us for our 125th Anniversary Celebration!

Sat., May 20, 11:00 AM – 2:00 PM
Sign Up Here

Hamburgers and hotdogs will be served along with sides, salads and desserts, which you are asked to designate on the Sign Up – look for the alphabetical Dish Group that corresponds with your last name. Please RSVP for you and your family/guest by May 14 or on the SPC website under Connections/Sign Ups. For those who DO NOT have access to electronic devices or are UNABLE to sign up online, a sign-up sheet will be available in the Narthex for the next several weeks after worship services. For shared dishes recommended examples are:
Side Dish – Baked Beans, Mac & Cheese, Spanish Rice. Corn Casserole etc.
Salad – Potato Salad, Pasta Salad, Bean Salad, Tossed Green Salad, Cucumber Salad etc.
A Dessert – finger foods such as brownies, lemon bars, cookies, etc.
If possible, please use disposable containers or be sure to pick up your service dishes afterwards.

Sunday, May 21, 11:00 AM
The Rev. Dr. Ann B. Jahnes, former SPC pastor, will offer a special message at the worship service

Please join us after the service in fellowship hall for refreshments and a
picture slide presentation of the church through the years.

the 125th anniversary quilt and tapestry will be on display,
along with artifacts of our rich and interesting history.