A Grief Observed by C.S. Lewis’s to be topic for Feb. Adult Sunday Class

The book is based on a short memoir by Lewis, who suffered a crisis of faith during his wife’s illness and after her death. This four-week study, held in the Session Room, will be a self-searching experience about our relationship with God during times of death and grief. It is helpful when anticipating the death of loved ones in the future, when impending death is certain, and when dealing with the aftereffects of loss. We will talk about finding peace and joy with God’s help. Discounted books will be available before classes begin in the session room or can be ordered online. An unabridged version can be listened to at https://bit.ly/3R1y8ur for free. If you want to join via Zoom, please email candacebland7@gmail.com. We will have a movie night at the church to watch “Shadowlands,” which is based on this book.